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Tips to Prepare Your Home for Professional Imaging

Professional dining room photo


  • Check that all light bulbs are working.

  • Check that all light bulbs are the same color temperature.

  • Turn on as many lights beforehand as you can.

  • Open all blinds.

  • Fans should be turned off.

Professional kitchen photo

Kitchen/Dining Areas

  • Clean off counters and remove any clutter

  • Make sure all dishes are put away

  • Empty the garbage can, or if possible hide from view

  • Remove items posted on refrigerator

  • Remove dish towels from oven, cabinets and sink.



  • Spruce up entryways, gardens and lawns – trim shrubbery if necessary.

  • Yard and patio should be neat – outdoor furniture should be in good shape.

  • Mow the lawn – make sure the driveway & entryway are free of clutter.

  • In the winter, keep the sidewalks cleared of snow.

  • Remove vehicles from driveway and don’t park directly in front of the house.

  • Professional living room photo

    Living/Common Areas

    • Remove clutter and tidy up shelves.

    • Straighten couch pillows.

    • Turn off televisions and hide the remotes.

    Professional bathroom photo


    • Put essential items used daily in a small box that can be stored away.

    • Close toilet lid and empty the garbage can.

    • Clean mirrors & glass surfaces.

    • Hang your best towels neatly from a towel bar.

    • If inside of shower or bathtub is visible, limit the number of viewable products.

    Professional kitchen photo


    The biggest issue you can address ahead of time is clutter. Look at your rooms as if you were looking at them through a camera. What catches your eye will also catch the eye of your viewer. Potential buyers should be looking at your home and not the stuff. Take a few moments to declutter each room and ensure things are in order.

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